How to Choose the Right Co-Founders for Your Startup

co founder of company

Starting a company is one of the hardest things you’ll ever do. However, it gets easier when you have a partner. Co-founders are essential in almost every startup; after all, nobody can be good at everything. However, finding the right partner can sometimes be challenging and tricky. This article will teach you how to choose the right co-founder of a company and avoid some common pitfalls when doing so. We all know that starting a business is risky and challenging;

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The Importance of Mentorship: Why It’s So Crucial for a Startup

Importance of mentorship

You’ve probably heard it before: A mentor can be your best advisor, especially when you are first starting out. But why exactly is mentorship so important? When you’re launching a startup, the stakes are high and things can quickly spiral out of control. There will come a time when you begin to doubt yourself and wonder whether it’s all worth it. Having a mentor will help to ease some of these anxieties. They’ll bring fresh insight into your business development

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How to Choose the Best Idea for Your Startup

Best idea for startup

You may have the perfect business idea for start-up. You may have analyzed the market, read about competitors, and have developed a product that you know people will want to buy. But, launching your business is not as simple as all that — you need to choose the best idea for your startup. You should think about which ideas you can develop the fastest, with the least risk or with the smallest initial financial investment. These are all important factors

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What’s the meaning of a CEO for a Startup

This post is for young entrepreneurs worldwide so they can understand the real meaning of the role; this will change as your startup matures, and it will be very different in a corporation. Let’s go for the beginning. What’s a CEO? According to Wikipedia is:  Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the highest-ranking corporate officer (executive) or administrator in charge of the total management of an organization. An individual appointed CEO of a corporation, company, organization, or agency typically reports to

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Creating a Product with Non Technical Founders

Tech founder of company

Creating a product could be a complex process, and it takes a mix of skills, including a technical background. The idea of this post is to help non-technical founders in this journey with questions that, based on my experience as a founder of a company, could prevent mistakes that clients made when they built a product. How deep is your understanding of technology? Being a non-technical founder, your main goal is not to learn how to code, but you must

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Hiring Rock-stars

Hiring is the most critical part of any team/organization/company’s business strategy. Without a great team, you have nothing. The title of the post is Hiring Rock Stars, and yes, that is what all startups want and what you should be looking for, but depending on the maturity of the startup and the stage it is in, it will definitely require a different focus in terms of the seniority and experience of the candidates you are going to be hiring. Startup

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A New CEO for your Startup

ceo meaning in business for startups

In many cases, one of the founders usually became the CEO of the startup and scaled with it; that was not my case; there is no good or bad answer about this; it will depend on each entrepreneur. I always like to build startups/companies that do not rely on me, so from the beginning of Tekton, I was always looking for a new CEO. When we talk about a CEO meaning in business, it is the chief executive officer, the

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About Me

I'm a crazy entrepreneur with a computer science background; I love to create startups and help entrepreneurs worldwide; my motto is: Fail, fail again, fail better!